Gianluca Luisi was already fascinated from the piano when he was 3 years old, so his parents understanding his outstanding talent, gave him the possibility to study and so he began to have piano lessions at the age of 6. His first teacher was Maestro E.Verona a pupil of Henrich Nehause in Moscow.
Later, he studied in Pesaro, at the “G.Rossini” Conservatory, with Maestro Franco Scala. There he obtained his diploma, passing with top marks and honours.
He continued his studies at the piano Academy in Imola, where he studied under the direction of M°Giovanni Valentini, M° Boris Petrushansky, M° Piero Rattalino and M° Riccardo Risaliti. He has played at various master-classes, held by internationally known musicians such as Lazar Berman, Jorge Demus, Alexander Lonquich, Paul Badura Skoda, J.Achucarro, Antonio Ballista, A.Jasinski, Rosalyn Tureck, etc…
He completed his studies with M° Sergio Perticaroli in Rome.
He has taken part to various National and International Piano Competitions.
He won the National Piano competition “Città dell’Aquila”, the Mozart Prize (IItaly), in 1996; the Genzano Competition in Rome (Italy), 1st prize; the Cesenatico Competition, (Italy), 1st prize, the Jeunesse Musicales Competition (Italy) 1st prize (1998); the TIM Torneo Internazionale di Musica (International MusicTournament (IMT), 1999, Rome, 1st prize; and the 2nd prize in Cosenza Piano Competition, Premio Rendano (Italy), 2nd prize in the Bellini International Competition in Caltanissetta, and 3rd prize in Sulmona International Competition (Italy 2000). He won the 2nd prize at the “Casella” International Competition in Naples and in March 2001 he won the 1st prize in the“J.S.Bach Piano International Competition” in Saarbrucken-Germany (54 pianists from 26 countries took part to this event).
The critic in the newspaper spoke about a new Bach interprete:
"..He produces a music completely free, what else do you want?" (Saarlandische Zeitung….)
Gianluca Luisi gave many concerts in important Concert Halls and Associations, for example: the Carnegie Hall in New York, the Musikverein in Vienna, the Bach Accademy Stuttgart (Germany), the Schleswig Holstein Music Festival (Hamburg-Germany), he played for the "Serate Musicali" of Milano (Italy), Verdi Theater (Trieste-Italy), Verona Philarmonic Accademy (Italy), “Tiroler Festspiele”(Austria), Konzert Hall-Chuden Hall (Nagoja-Japan), The Rossini Festival (Pesaro) Italy ,The New Auditorium of Milan, Bellini Theater of Catania (Italy), with the Orchestra of San Carlo (Napoli), for in the Mendelssohn House (Leipzig –Germany), for the Yamaha Europa (Nordestedt), for the Piano Festival in Krumlov(Czecha), in the Bach Castle (Kòthen-Germany), in the Meistersaal (Berlin –Germany), in Wien for Bòsendorfer Piano (Stadtsalon in Musikverein) Austria, for the Bach Festival Leipzig (Germany), with the Symphonic Orchestra in Sicilien, in the Bachtage in Potsdam (Berlin-Germany), in Lùbeck, Bayreuth, Muenchen, Wolfsburg, Kiel(Germany), for the Friends of music in Siracusa, Vittoria, Trapani (Italy), for the Music Festival Saar 2005 (Saarralbe-French), in Luxemburg, in Malta, for the Forderkreise fùr Musik in Weiden in the Max Reger Hall (November 2005) etc...
He has a very wide and interesting Repertoire and he recently played by heart, in 2 concerts, the Complete Cycle of the Well Tempered Clavier of J.S.Bach at the Conservatory of Bologna (Sala Bossi) and with Maestro Konstantin Sherbakov the complete Beethoven 9 Simphonie in the Liszt transcription for two and four hands.
He received enthusiastic reviews:
"…Luisi's piano playing was astonishing in presentation. He is a very and imaginative
artist... an excellent pianist who deserves world recognition". (New York Concert Review, Carnegie Hall)
"…Luisi-Remarkable sound and technique" (Il piccolo 9-6-99) Trieste
"…Luisi - A Commendable performance in every way" (L’Arena di Verona 30-08-99)
"…Gianluca Luisi: This name you have to notice" (Saarbrucken Zeitung 22-03-2001)
"…Brilliant Italian pianist at MCI inaugural concert; full of contrasting pianistic styles, lyrical and dramatic at the same time, this was an unforgettable performance" (The Sunday Times-Malta 7-10-2001)
"...the young artist has not only outstanding technical abilities, but is also an extraordinary, excellent musician." (27-05-2004 - Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung).
"...a perfect balance of virtuoso performance and deeply felt musicality" (09-05-2005 - Saarbruecken Zeitung)
"…an evening with a worldclass pianist" (Nordbayrischer Kurier-Bayreuth 14-11-2005)
He has produced 3 CDs and this year he recorded 6 new CD's
(4 CD's with the complete edition of the "Well Tempered
Clavier of J.S.Bach"). Next year he will record the Onslow
Sexttet with the "Ensemble
Concertant Frankfurt" for the Dabringhaus und Grimm
Recently in the Italian newsmagazine for Pianists "Suonare news", the Great Pianist Aldo Ciccolini wrote:
"Gianluca Luisi is one of the most interesting Italian pianist at moment".
For Gianluca Luisi his career was a discovery. He has not been induced to start his concert activity by the wish of a personal achievement, but by the feeling he has established with his audience, which is renewing at every concert. His fans adore him not only because he is such a exceptional and gifted pianist, but also because he is a very nice person with whom you feel immediately at home.
Guanluca has a huge respect for the beauty of Art, he wants to play music the way the composers intended their pieces to be, he just involves his heart, his creativity and talent – and that makes his playing so incredibly beautiful.
Guanluca is also a teacher at the Recanati
Piano Accademy of the Marche, he is married with Stefania
and he has got two lovely children, Rebecca and Pietro.
Gianluca Luisi is a Boesendorfer
artist. |